
The Great Immigration 'Sugar-coat'

"The denial and 'sugar-coating' by which those in our Government are giving the 'Invasion of our Nation' and collapse of our laws;
may very well come back to crush the next generation of youth,
if handled improperly today.
-Just beyond the border, with support of illegal immigration revenues to Mexico, the South American drug infiltration slowly emerges."
-As Arnold Schwarzenegger awaits the process of the House and Senate to compile and examine the long-term analysis of immigration:
GOP Leaders State: No Immigration Bill This Year

His focus included concerns for our safety; words against the potentiality of Immigration reform becoming a 'tool' for next year's campaigning strategy; and the urgency of workable compromises. -Watch the VIDEO- But: Read the true danger of a 'sugar- coated' immigration package; a co-dependant America; and existing Humanitarian issues of the south (Below)...
Schwarzenegger blasts House for stalling immigration bill
"I am disappointed at the idea that maybe the federal government would not come up with an agreement and with true reform of our immigration laws," Schwarzenegger said. "It will be totally inexcusable for them to walk away from that and say this year we couldn't do it and maybe take this whole thing on the road show."
- Merging from Mexico: Humanitarian Crimes
A Day In the Life of Southern Mexico and its Neighbors:
Kidnapped children are Recruited- or killed
Crimes by which our city governments and American civilian Urbanites, have not the ability to offer solution, must be contained and dealt with by the United Peace Corps, Red-cross, etc... These crimes of Governmental Leaders, fail to be addressed while Mexico's illegal immigrants continue to send money back to Mexico. It helps to pad the abuses, 'Sugar coat them', and sadly, keep them in place. The extent of our ability to fight these crimes in the U.S.? View one of hundreds of similar cases- Immigrant felons slip through net
Marcelo Salinas; 10 to 14 yr olds
Up to 20,000 children in Colombia (above) -- and 300,000 children worldwide -- have been coerced into serving in militias, providing an endless supply of cheap and disposable soldiers, which prevents peace-making in many countries, says Cornell sociologist Charles Geisler and graduate student Niousha Roshani.

"That which does not reach the proper authoritative solution towards ending the formation of war children and child drug trafficers, has also given rise to the drug-gangs of our cities. Tens of thousands of drug trafficers are given room by which to spread their crimes onto America's soil." - M.B.
America must end illegal immigration, and include
these realities, into their new immigration reform!
Read: Complete story of Colombia Drug Trafficking-

-Public Release: 19-Jun-2006; Forced Migration Review...
-Child soldiers are barrier to peace process:
"As long as children continue to be coerced into militias -- as they are by the thousands in Colombia, Sudan and dozens of other countries -- peace talks in those countries to settle armed conflicts are unlikely, to assert." - Cornell.
FARC - Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia
It's all right here beyond Mexico's South, South-Eastern Border
View Drug Process, of FARC.
-The desperate fight, and daily massacre of the refugees- (between both FARC and the AUC) are a reality... Believe it!

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