[Ben Morieson: Guinness Record]
(Click to Enlarge)
I had compiled a political piece to submit, but after spotting this, I couldn't resist...
So, what is the record for, you say?
"The Worlds Largest Drawing Produced by Tire Marks."
...Yeah that's right. This Organization Lists World Record for many things I couldn't have imagined, exist.
"Ben Morieson's Burnout 2001 shows eight drivers pirouetting their cars across pale tarmac at Melbourne's Docklands. Watched by a cheering crowd, each car's skidding, smoking tyres leaves thick black coils and curves on the ground. Morieson's one-day only on-site work became the World's Largest Abstract Drawing Using Tyre Marks in the 2002 Guinness Book of World Records."
NOTE: The finished concrete canvas being 80metres by 30metres.
Articles and here.
~Listed with: rightwingnuthouse.
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