[Chocolat Alexandra; mb©-05]
~~Chocolat Alexandra~~
Serve this desert with espresso, for the finish of a perfect meal.
(Serves 8)
4 egg yolks
4 egg whites
Generous 2/3 cup (150 g) granulated sugar
1 lb 1-1/2 oz (500 g) semi-sweet cooking chocolate
¾ cup (100g) flour
3 ¼ cups (75 cl) heavy cream, whipped
6 ½ tablespoons (10 cl) rum-flavored sugar syrup
Unsweetened cocoa
Make a cake batter as follows: Whisk together the egg yolks and ½ cup granulated sugar until the mixture lightens in color. Sift the flour and gently stir into the mixture. Beat the egg whites until they begin to stiffen, whisk in the remaining sugar, and then fold the egg whites into the egg-yolk mixture. Pour the batter into a buttered and floured cake pan and bake at 275 degrees F (135 degrees C) oven until a toothpick stuck into the cake comes out clean. Remove from oven, turn out the cake onto a rack, and allow cooling.
Make a chocolate mousse: Melt the chocolate, and then fold in the whipped cream. The two ingredients should be perfectly mixed to make a smooth mousse.
Cut the cake in half, horizontally, lift off the top, and place the bottom on a serving platter. Brush the bottom with sugar syrup to lightly moisten, then spread one third of the chocolate mousse over it*. Place the top of the cake over the mousse and cover it and the sides with the remaining mousse, Refrigerate for 2 to 3 hours. Dust the top of the cake (see photo) with coca before serving. One little frosting (or formed sugar) rose is a nice touch. Enjoy! (^_^)
Tip: 1. Place desert plates in freezer, one hour before, to chill.
Tip: 2. To make additional layers: Cut the cake into 3 instead of 2*
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