
July 4th, 1776-2005

[PFB©series 8252. Approx. 1908]

Author: James R. Heintze. Additional research writings here.

* 1776- The Pennsylvania Evening Post is the first newspaper to print the Declaration of Independence, on 6 July 1776.
* 1777- In Philadelphia, windows of Quakers' homes are broken because Quakers refuse to close their businesses on holidays that celebrate American military victories.
* 1779- In Boston, continental ships fire a "grand salute" from their cannons; in Philadelphia, although 14 members of the Continental Congress object to having a celebration, however, an elegant dinner at the City Tavern, and display of fireworks, is given.
* 1800- In New York, the first local advertisements for fireworks appear.
* 1801- The first public Fourth of July reception at the White House occurs; in Marblehead, Mass.
* 1802- The U.S. Military Academy at West Point is formally opened.

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