SAD: Cold Snap Claims Lives Across Russia...
(---) RIA-Novosti said the past week's weather is the coldest to hit Russia since 1938...
"The current cold snap is expected to last through the middle of next week, according to weather forecasts." [themoscowtimes]
Great video: "Yakut Horses Who Never Freeze in Siberia"... Якутские лошади в Якутии...
Interesting breed somehow escapes likelihood of developing hypothermia?
ON EARTH CHANGES... It should be noted that while many recent shifts in weather severity compare with the severity of earth changes; including (1938) ... Many have accelerated after the 'earth-axis shift', from the great Indonesia Quake...
But trying to make sense of our earth and its complexities, of which "theory of science" is intentionally omitted (or partially applied) to suit political agenda... We are then fitting "selective reasoning" into the same category as observed in the 'emotional particulars' of Friday's [doomsday scenario]
... Then I will say, see you, Saturday... :D
NOTE: Scientific findings dispel myths...
This from Anthony Watts:
El Niño-Southern Oscillation Myth 3:
ENSO Has No Trend and Cannot Contribute to Long-Term Warming: READ