
Predictable Dems call Supreme Court Judges to recuse from HC ruling

-Posted by D.C. Worth, for Barbay (France/US)

Politician transforms into cartoon character (5:37; video below)...Telling Megyn to ask questions instead of "giving speeches."
Image: Freeps/ NOYF

-Story: [Here] And more (below)

26 states file lawsuit against Democrat's Individual Mandate, which exceeds Congress' Commerce Clause Power; ruled [unconstitutional]; Judge Roger Vinson presses for an expedited Supreme Court review.[Read]

Today, Democrats try to use aspects of the "Common" Clause; to force two (anti-Obamacare) Supreme Court Judges to recuse from taking the ruling...

Note: The Judge is also an African American that Democrats stalk, discount, and badger with political entrapments; along with millions of Black Americans who aren't in Democrat's fold...

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