
Democrat Unionists harass Tea-Party member; Dem leader calls for a little blood; Media silent

-Posted by D.C. Worth, for Barbay (France/US)

Leftist Unions (l) over-harvest from their Tax-base (r) [Read]; and go irate, when asked to contribute a fraction to bankrupted states. (HT/Gateway)

Hotair: Dem Congressman tells unions that they "need to get out on the streets and get a little bloody" [Video]

"Un-hinged" Dem-backed groups bused in to "shake-down" those who demonstrate against tax-hikes during recession... More at [Gateway]
Once again, Dem's Tucson vitriol & racism is reveals it's LEFTIST self.

NOTE: Most Americans favor FAIR-TAX, as the way to generate MORE State revenue & end divisions; as 29% can no longer prop up the increasing weight of Dem's Govt donors, and ever expanded entitlement recruits...

A key 2012 (post Democrat) issue; in my view.

"To compel a man to furnish funds for the propagation of ideas he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical." – Thomas Jefferson
Today's Links...
-Fake sick teachers may cost Wisconsin taxpayers:
[At least $6 million]

-Revisiting Mike Antonucci’s investigation of:
[where $13 million in NEA dues go]

M. Malkin:
-Rank-&-file teachers speak truth to prog power [Read]
-With Left making death threats against Walker,
Media rouses itself to [accuse Right of incivility]

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