
NASA's EPOXI Mission Spacecraft to fly 435 mi from icy nucleus of 103P/Hartley2 comet; Nov 4th

-Posted by D.C. Worth, for Barbay (France/US)

Spaceweather posts a magnificent image capture of 103P/Hartley 2 comet... -VIEW IT: [here]
From Nick Howes, Cherhill, Wiltshire UK:
The comet is about the same size as the planet Jupiter; slated to glide by Earth, Oct. 20th.

NASA's EPOXI Mission spacecraft is also in trajectory to image the comet's core...

Nearing Earth, only 11 million miles away on Oct. 20th; NASA's EPOXI Spacecraft will fly 435 miles from the comet's active icy nucleus on Nov. 4th!

To give you a visual insight as to the comet's distance from Earth; EPOXI captures shot of Earth's North Pole From 11 Million Miles...
(0:17, no sound)

-Will keep you informed... :D
For now, think positively, and always look for an excuse to enjoy the Borealis! -(Though a little un-related)... haha

-Earlier, from NASA's SDO...
An 'art-rendition' of solar flare eruption above sunspot 1092; the size of the Earth... :#
-Music & Video by Didier Manchione
© Moonfull publishing Socan Canada 2010

Today's Links...
-Colorful NASA SDO (AIA Wavelengths)
[view] (From last 48 hours)
The satellites also recorded a large filament of cool gas, which stretched across the Sun's northern hemisphere, and exploded in the Space...

Video: SOHO (CME) capture: VIEW.
On 6/ 5-6/10, an almost perfectly circular (CME) blew out from the Sun;
Ejecting over a billion tons of matter at millions of miles per hour.

-This can't be True: #
"If the flares from the Sun do not occur for about 450 years, and blocked for some reason, the entire Sun can explode... Sun is just a hydrogen power house which supplies power to all its satellites including the Earth.

The cloudbursts had hit Choglumsar area,13 kilometres from Leh and 424 kilometres from Srinagar."

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