We've become a vast, secretive network, chocked full of over-reaching, and unconstitutional foreign and domestic bureaucrats which pimp any imaginable causes against the people, to divide the people, using triple taxed earnings and funds from the highest paying lobbyists; to retain absolute rule.
Hillsdale College hosts the 'Pence Address' which enlightens on our Constitution's principals for the Presidency... And regardless of ones partisan; these are the principals that have kept us whole, prosperous, safe, just, and free… Where right conduct is seen as its own reward…
-A must watch video.
Image: Hillsdale College
"We as a people, are not to be ruled, and not to be commanded." The Constitution protects, that a Presidency should never forget this… (cont. below)
Video (ht/ace)#
(cont.) Pence on Constitution's outline for Presidency...
"That he has not risen above us, but is merely, “one of us”.. Chosen by ballot, dismissed after his term, tasked not to transform and work his will upon us, but to bear the weight of decision, and to carry out faithfully the design laid out in the Constitution, and impassioned by the Declaration of Independence."