Today is an example of what Government delivers... As Washington has long claimed to represent the best interests of Americans; we see that the price of compromising the principals of our once Republic, has lined pockets with special interest favors... But their era (not America) is coming to an end.
Dan Mitchell from the Center for Freedom and Prosperity breaks it down in simple terms; as he explains why corruption thrives on Capitol Hill... And what we can do about it... Worth the view!
ht: Ed Morrissey
While Americans hold signs against decades of elements that sought a remake of our liberties and Constitution... We're considered a threat to the liberties of "unhinged' Government!"
VIEW VIDEOS: Officials dismiss us as Clueless, or Unhealthy
(Yet they're unwilling to debate the veracity of our concerns.)
Decade after decade, party to party, all we have left of our Republic, is hungry government corruption, with an eye on more expansion of the "special interests" state!
Americans of all parties can begin by resisting the Media strong-arm's exploitations that feed off of a "Divided States" of America...
Today's Links...
Michelle posts:
"Not all of us are hypnotized" -VIEW VIDEO: HERE
ht: Instapundit shares this article that basically puts it all together
The Coming of the Fourth American Republic worth the read!
James De Long writes:
"The combination of plenary government power combined with the seizure of its levers by special interests constitutes the polity of the current Third American Republic."
Not the end of America...It's the beginning of the 4th Republic.
And (by-the-way) it's free market, and NOT Socialist!
U.S. leaders do not grasp the situation. None of the leaders of any branch are demonstrating an appreciation of the problems and limits of the Special Interest State. Read more. ... They will be their own, undoing.
More from Glen Reynolds:
From Gallup Polls:
Big Gov’t. Still Viewed as Greater Threat Than Big Business. read.
And from Rasmussen:
"Most Americans trust the judgment of the public more than political leaders, view the federal government as a special interest group and believe that big business and big government work together against the interests of investors and consumers."
And this (also) from Rasmussen:
52% Worry Government Will Do Too Much to Fix Economy.
"On many issues, there is a bigger gap between the Political Class and Mainstream Americans than between Mainstream Republicans and Mainstream Democrats."
Busy day, preparing for travel...