Image: from Matt
Glen Reynolds posts:
VIDEO: AIG Bonuses Solved: VIEW!
More at riehlworldview...
"The Democrats on the conference committee locked the Republicans out of the process and wrote the bill themselves. No Republican supported the conference report; no Republican signed it... more.
(look on the final page of the conference report here).
From AceHQ:
Rep. McCotter (R) "Shocked at the [Feigned] Shock" Over AIG Bonuses
A top Wall Street executive says,
"Finance is one of America’s great industries, and they’re destroying it," he added. "There are three big industries where the US has global leadership: financial services, media and technology. Introducing this 90 per cent tax is like taking one of those industries out the back and shooting it."
VIDEO: They make this this man sensible: VIEW
No honor amongst thieves: VIEW
VIDEO: This has made me cry: VIEW
From the WSJ
This is all too much even for Rep. Charlie Rangel, the House's chief tax writer, who says the tax code shouldn't be deployed as a "political weapon." He's right. AIG's managers may be this week's political target of choice, but the message to every banker in America, indeed every business in America, is that you could be next.
From instapundit (kausfiles) Strike Two for Holbrooke
Obama’s special envoy Richard Holbrooke served on A.I.G.’s board when the company a) went ‘over a cliff,’ and b) approved the now-controversial bonuses...read more. But he’ll survive. It’s not like he also got special loan deals from Countrywide as a ‘Friend of Angelo.'