
Fred Thompson & the Lincoln Parallels

I think that we, as Americans of today, have become slaves toward our own political division...A giant step backward, with one man's fight against another; often against the best interests of our great Nation...

But our country has a long history of sacrifice at which many strived to over-come these divisions and differences; to become a Nation United...

There have been many milestones...
And in all of which we sought for our Nation; and in these paths of our history; Encouragement is that which has helped us in times when 'Uniting together' transformed our history...
"A house divided against itself cannot stand…I believe this government cannot endure permanently half slave and half free."
-Abraham Lincoln (Message to congress, July 4, 1861)
With sincerity, I can say that I have not witnessed a quality of character within the candidate line-ups of 2008 today...
Until that of Fred Thompson.

His words, and truths, and strengths are because: "The words, and truths, and strengths of the people matter." Liberty and justice for ALL seems so far away...
He'll help us ALL to realize; that it never left...


Lincoln History: His friends saw that people liked him and worked to get the Republican nomination in 1860. Lincoln now saw that he wanted to be president; and was nominated as the Republican candidate... The Democratic Party was divided with the North wanting Stephen A. Douglas and the South wanting John C. Breckinridge. For his campaign Lincoln stayed in Springfield.
To avoid raising controversy and maybe dividing the party he didn't make any speeches. This worked, and he was elected as the first Republican president.
-Thank you for linking me: Fred Thompson -2008!
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