It's Holiday time, and the best gift is Jewelry...
I can tell you... each time a woman fastens a particular jewelry piece, for that split second, she will always think of the one from which it was gifted.
Diamonds: Either private, established jeweler or among the most Cherished Classics, choose the piece based upon your lady's style, wardrobe, and personality.
Modernists: Smooth sophisticated design.
Earthy: Simple, richly crafted pieces.
Classicist: Traditional pieces.
If long fingers, choose more dynamic pieces; Small hands, more delicate fittings...
For engagement: I recommend that she in-directly choose the settings. While window peeping, just watch her eyes...
As Harry Winston put it, "The only part of you that knows perfect is the exquisitely painful way your heart beats in its presence."
Holiday diamonds that sprarkle in a setting alongside other gems, are prefect for a friendship... She may even love pearls.
When a man buys a woman perfume, it says that he understands that subtle nature of the mystery of fragrance. Scent is a memory which dances in unique celebration...
Be sure to know the distinct differences between: Perfume and Eau de Cologne...
LAST: The wrapping is just as important as the gift. (((^__^)))
~Listed with Articles of Interest at: basils, Listed with the Ping festival at: Conservative Cat's
I hope that helped the Holiday season along! ;-)
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Just found the Antica Farmacista Home Ambiance at one of Beth's links!, (joustthefact's post is: More Evidence That Men Are Shallow) haha! :D ...(Which of course, they are not!) ~Wizbang,
~Carnival of the Vanities, hosted by Ravenwood's Universe...
Catch The Carnival of the Vanities #170 Great selection of posts!
~It's the Owner's Manual hosting: Best of Me Symphony #116!
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