
Coleman Concedes Senate race to Democrat Jokester, Franken

-Posted by D. Worth (US) | for- M. Barbay (France) and US

Gateway reflects,"Thank goodness they found those lost ballots in that car trunk! And, thank goodness for those 2,812 dead voters that showed up to vote for Franken.
He couldn't have done it without you

Image: Posted at Matt's

Congratulations Democrats
– Here’s Your New Senator

Classic example of "Republican wins election, Democrat wins recount" as Libs fight like dogs to kill every trace of the Minority party's voice'... But instead, sending GOP voters, past the 1/2 mark...

"Ask what our Gov can decide for you"-bho

-Posted by D. Worth (US) | for- M. Barbay (France) and US

Obama chastised America, and said...
"Any world order that elevates one nation over another will fail" Forgetting that Honduran Constitution does not belong to the United States, nor is it appropriate to elevate over, or re-write the articles of their court's decision.
[Article 239] prohibits the re-election of a President of the Republic, but calls for the immediate removal from public office and disqualification from any political office for 10 years any person who calls for a change in that prohibition...
..This vote was unanimous, and did not consult with Obama!

VIDEO: Obama declares their Congressional action: "illegal coup."

The Media once described Obama as the "New JFK"...
Haha... Hope & change that this absolute folly will end!

John F. Kennedy backed by band from the future...

Matt posts...
What's next? US Democrats forcing a Honduran Referendum, by "restricting US aid?" read. ...Is Honduras the Democrat's US Colony? What a disgrace!

And note that this article doesn't even include the position of the country's own "majority Democratic Congress" who have legislative power over the President! Read.

-Post filed under: Election 2010...


Lou Gerstner: US Gov 'quick departure' from private industry, is essential for growth

-Posted by D. Worth (US) | for- M. Barbay (France) and US

Interview and discussion with Former IBM CEO Lou Gerstner. He talks about the most iconic and competitive companies in America.
(Market Week)

"And what are they going to do with all of this equity in these financial companies, And what are they going to do with the trade off in governmental policies and the requirement of running an successful enterprise." -Gerstner

Today's Links...
Canada miners could get bulldozed if China stalls
Copper, gold firms outstripping broader market -- for now, at least
China buying 100's of millions of tons of Iron, Copper and Nickel ore, to sit on the ground as a stockpile for future use while prices are down big from last year will have a serious impact on mining companies future sales regardless of wether or not a rebound in the economy happens...
China isn't going to pull us up. It's the other way around. For their economy to be healthy, we have to be healthy first. So the question is, will we become healthy any time soon? Good luck with that...
(Source: mrkt watch)

Marc Chandler writes of the IMF Bonds...
Full article is here
"The BRICs appear to be under-presented in the International Monetary Fund. As we have seen they account for about 12% of the world economy and yet have a combined quota (vote) of 9.82%. Yet the representation is not as straight-forward as that. Consider that the US accounts for a quarter of the world’s economy and yet the US has a 16.77% weighted vote at the IMF.

The April G20 meeting resolved to raise more funds for the IMF. Some countries like Japan have lent the IMF money. The BRICs want to provide their funds in the form of SDR (Special Drawing Right) bonds. This dovetails nicely with their call to increase the use of the SDR.

Russia is thus far the only BRIC to suggest it will purchase the SDR bonds with its Treasury holdings, which stood at about $138 billion at the end of March, according to US Treasury data. It does not amount to noteworthy diversification of reserves. Nor does it represent much of a diversification away from the dollar as the greenback accounts for 44% of an SDR-basket. The contribution that Japan is committed to is greater than all the BRICs combined."


Honduran Congress ousts Zelaya for Repeated Constitutional violations

-Posted by D. Worth (US) | for- M. Barbay (France)

"Zelaya was trying to follow the “Chavez business plan” in Honduras, which is basically a program that uses ostensibly democratic processes to establish a dictatorship. this has already happened in Venezuela itself, as well as in Bolivia and Ecuador." ht: Faustasblog

-News Coverage: et video.
-Honduran Constitution.
-Obama objects: read.
-Chavez blames US.
Image: Full Congressional Vote

-Honduran Supreme Court exercises "Rule of Law" #
The Honduran Supreme Court of Justice has confirmed that Honduran president Manuel Zelaya was detained this morning by the military in compliance with an order of the courts of law.

Zelaya was detained shortly before voting was to begin on a constitutional referendum. He had insisted on holding the vote even though the Supreme Court ruled it illegal and everyone from the military to Congress and members of his own party opposed it." read more.

Honduran Constitution: Reads:
-Article 42 strips citizenship rights from those who call for the re-election or continuing (beyond the term) of the President of the Republic.

-Article 239 not only prohibits the re-election of a President of the Republic, but calls for the immediate removal from public office and disqualification from any political office for 10 years any person who calls for a change in that prohibition.

- Article 373 gives the power to amend the Constitution solely to the National Congress, with no role for any “referendum”.

- Article 374 prohibits any amendments to the prohibition of a multi-term President of the Republic. ht: Faustablog.
FACT: Given the same circumstances, US Military would end this in US, too. The framers of the US Constitution provided our Military with powers to act in dire circumstance as instructed by Congress; to uphold such principals of our Constitution... Not excluding term limit votes, Military oath change, and other actions which impact principals of our Articles. Constitution states that no man is above the law.

VIDEO: Meanwhile, Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez denounced Sunday's arrest of Honduran President Manuel Zelaya as a "coup d'etat" and alleged that the United States had a hand in his overthrow...

Haha! Obama was with him! ..I guess they missed this WJS UPDATE
Obama meddled Worked To Prevent Ouster of Honduras President.


Assorted Financial News of the weekend

-Posted by D. Worth (US) | for- M. Barbay (France) and US

"Cap & trade" liveblog: read.
Democrats rush on Friday to pass intro of a $4 trillion-dollar, thousand-page UNREAD (H.R.2454)
-VIDEO: Two Reasons the New EPA Regulations Are a Bad Idea: VIEW.
Michelle sees a Glimmer of hope.

Image: D.C: (Recession-proof)

From Moneyhardball ht:
At a 23.1%$ increase in the savings rate, it is now 6.9%, up from 5.6%... Might be 8.4% next month... At a slow acceleration, Fed should be able to stop runaway inflation...
"Surging U.S. Savings Rate Reduces Dependence on China" Read.

-Pros Say: Economy Bounce Coming In Next Few Months read.
Marc Chandler has this: Worth the read.

Writes Diane Garnick... Wall St. to Taxpayers:
"Thanks for the Bailouts, Have Some Higher Fees'
"Banks take taxpayer money, and then raise rates/fees so we essentially get billed twice. Wow...the people orchestrating this fraud should be in the same cell as Maddoff." read.

Iowahawk: Don't worry, people...
The Country's in the very best of hands. :D

Elections 2010--2012... VOTE THEM ALL OUT!
-Replacement candidates:
Slowly filed under: Election 2010!

Answers: Ditch the economy killers that rely upon suppressed science... Job creators are the ticket out, and should receive incentives, immediately! The length of U.S. recovery relies upon the speed at which Middle American citizens RULE on this issue... The people are the innovators (not Unions.)

Assemblyman DeVore U.S. Senate (2010)

-Posted by D. Worth (US) | for- M. Barbay (France) and US

Abominable Cap and trade (HR2454) passes, and now on its way to the Senate floor... We find that Obama is pursuing the same "green" policy as California; furthered by the same "old rank of politicians" ...that we must vote OUT!

TIME FOR Assemblyman Chuck DeVore for U.S. Senate (California) 2010! Retired Army National Guard, lieutenant colonel; he's a leader in the effort to boost America's energy production, and keep taxes & spending under control!

Who works harder, military or senators? DeVore (twitter)

With proven dedication of America's finest heroes: Army National Guard;
DeVore is a hardworking California State Assemblyman representing Orange County... (and family of four)


Donate at: chuckdevore.com

Filed under: Election 2010! (Another "vote them all out" candidate)


US Dems rush to pass world banking cartel's emissions trading scheme

-Posted by D. Worth (US) | for- M. Barbay (France) and US

The Climate Change Climate Change #
Among the many reasons President Barack Obama and the Democratic majority are so intent on quickly jamming a cap-and-trade system through Congress is because the global warming tide is again shifting. It turns out Al Gore and the United Nations (with an assist from the media), did a little too vociferous a job smearing anyone who disagreed with them as "deniers."

The backlash has brought the scientific debate roaring back to life in Australia, Europe, Japan and even, if less reported, the U.S. Read.

VIDEO: Steve Felding requests Scientific data which supports CO2 legislation from US Obama Administration, as Australian Parliament is preparing to kill its own country's carbon-emissions scheme...

(cont. from wsj article)
"The collapse of the "consensus" has been driven by reality. The inconvenient truth is that the earth's temperatures have flat-lined since 2001, despite growing concentrations of C02. Peer-reviewed research has debunked doomsday scenarios about the polar ice caps, hurricanes, malaria, extinctions, rising oceans.

A global financial crisis has politicians taking a harder look at the science that would require them to hamstring their economies to rein in carbon.

Why citizens should be worried over pending 'cap and trade' energy tax #
This 'California model' is Obama's model for the whole country. And unless the citizens get angry enough and worried enough to demand that Congress put an immediate stop to this terribly destructive energy bill, then the United States of America is going to go down in a financial ring of fire. read.


Michael Jackson.. Rest in Peace

-Posted by D. Worth (US) | for- M. Barbay (France)

AIM: U.N. to Emerge as Global IRS

-Posted by D. Worth (US) | for- M. Barbay (France)

The Plan For Socialist World Government read.
"So the nations of the world, including the U.S., will collect the taxes but then turn them over to institutions such as the U.N... The world body will function, in effect, like a global IRS." -Preliminary report: [PDF]
-Take the time to read this NOW.

Democrats use troop's war bill to "earmark" mass pork funds.
Specific troop funding bill had Republican support; but NOT "re-worded" bill, which stuffed a $100 billion line of credit for the IMF, which GOP said, amounted to a "global bailout." Republicans voted against it. read.

As usual, Minority Republicans made their case AGAINST more Democrat spending! Election 2010 (GOP Majority) coming soon!

NOTE: U.S. Congresswoman Virginia Foxx joined most of her fellow Republicans in voting against the $106 billion appropriations bill that ultimately passed a House of Representatives vote last week. Packed with pork, Democrats reached back to antiwar left, who funded the war.

From Video; Pence on supplemental bill...
"This legislation, which includes $108 billion in loan authorizations for a global bailout, for the International Monetary Fund-at a time when this government has run up a $2 trillion annual deficit-I believe does a disservice to taxpayers and to those that defend us. Passing a $108 billion global bailout on the backs of our soldiers is just not right."
- (R) Rep. Pence Indiana.

For now, UN is proceeding, with Obama's acquiescence, to implement a global plan to create a new Int'l Socialist order financed by global taxes on the American people... Democrats are rushing this through during a recession, before a new (2010) GOP Majority can KILL it... read.

Today's Links...
Star Press: Main topic of Pence town hall gathering..

US taxpayers won't fund 20 million US uninsured; we'll fund the world!
Head of UN agency calls for ‘fairness’ in global health policies
“Fairness, I believe, is at the heart of our ambitions in global health,” said Dr. Chan. A failure to put equality at the centre of health-care policy decisions is “one reason why the world is in such a great big mess." Read.

-VOTE PENCE! (Post filed under Election 2010.)


Tax Tyranny: Harsh consequences of oppressive taxation

-Posted by D. Worth (US) | for- M. Barbay (France) and US

The 2008 clip (below) explains the stark contrast between the low tax rates of the dynamic Irish economy and the stifling tax policies promulgated by the EU and OECD in the name of "tax harmonization."

Image: Bank of England- S. Curry

View: 3-minute video, entitled "Tax Tyranny," narrated and produced by Beverly Halberg and highlights the harsh consequences of oppressive taxation.

Republican (conservatives) opt for exactly the opposite of mass over-spend and over-taxation, in order to inspire growth.... And therefore will adopt better tax policy... And perhaps this form of Government will merge forward across the political landscape, to face the turnaround and do what is necessary to establish our Nation's growth...
In that... Everyone wins.

I recommend this video:
Video: The Global Flat Tax Revolution VIEW.

Today's Links...
Prime Minister's Questions:
VIDEO: Cameron accuses Gordon Brown over spending: VIEW.

Cap and Tax: How Much Will It Cost Us? State's Tax Chart.
"President told an outright lie and failed Econ 101 when he claimed that only polluters would be paying the energy tax."

King warns on deficit...
Bank of England governor says scale of UK deficit is "truly extraordinary"

Us "tax/spend" protests thrive, despite Gov. efforts to discourage "free press"

-Posted by D. Worth (US) | for- M. Barbay (France) and US

In response to the Iranian protests:
Obama says, "I stand for that universal principle that people should have a voice in their own lives and their own destiny."

But outside "Barack's universe"... MILLIONS of U.S. protest voices, demand an end to mass bailouts; now running in direct competition with Obama Media.

Image: In Barack's own hometown!

Instead of recognizing spending options, Obama Democrats pass the largest "partisan non-stimulus" spending in U.S. history ...For us to pay!

View Video as Congressman Paul Ryan, Ranking Member of House Budget Committee, makes plea to colleagues at markup of FY2010 Budget Resolution...

An Historic: ZERO transparency, and Zero Free Press!

Today, as Obama Team focuses solely on stimulating the polls...

One might remember American Revolution history:
It was thirty (30%) that Founded our Nation...

Just remember, of the 303,000,000 Americans, 240,000,000 didn't vote for this! Now, if our Nation is to survive; we must change the face of the 110th!

I'll be arriving in America for a tea party in Wash D.C. (July forth) to join the Freeps... with Art Representative.

A Few Related Quotes...
"What country can preserve its liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance?" --Thomas Jefferson

"A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government"
----Thomas Jefferson

"Gentlemen, I have had men watching you for a long time and I am convinced that you have used the funds of the bank to speculate in the breadstuffs of the country. When you won, you divided the profits amongst you, and when you lost, you charged it to the bank You are a den of vipers and thieves. I intend to rout you out, and by the grace of the Eternal God, will rout you out."
----Andrew Jackson


High-Velocity Falcon...

-Posted by D. Worth (US) | for- M. Barbay (France) and US

Scientist skydives along with a peregrine falcon, to record top speed... National Geographic video:

Image: Gordon Court

Not sure if this is, or could become a falcon sport...
This Peregrine's speed tops 242 miles (389 kilometers) per hour!

From Hinterland Who's Who:
Peregrine falcons return regularly to favorite nesting sites... Such as, one pair after another, having used the same spot in England since 1243...

Small chicks found under floor ledge of U.S. University
View: IMAGE.

And: Baby falcons banded before flying the coop
Researchers band and take DNA samples of the bird so they can keep track of the endangered species. more.

Today's Links...
Five peregrine falcon chicks hatch atop three city bridges
New York Daily News - Larry Mcshane - ‎May 28, 2009‎
A trio of peregrine chicks were discovered at the top of the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge. A baby peregrine falcon nests in Marine Parkway-Gil...read.

Protections in the US are helping reestablish their populations: #
Peregrine Falcons taken off Florida's endangered species list, as stronger regulations and captive breeding-and-release efforts have allowed the falcons to make a comeback. read.

Heh... Commenter explains why delta winged aircraft fly faster than others:
Sharp wings (peregrine) = for fast flight (mig-29), long wings (albatross) = for distant flight (Boeing 747), bigger wings (golden eagle) = hvy flight (antonov 225)


Street rally marches toward Azadi square

-Posted by D. Worth (US) | for- M. Barbay (France) and US

Where neighbors have brought pride to the region; Iran's regime has not.
But this is not about the world community!

Billions around the world are observing:
The dynamic between the Mullahs of Iran, as a result of decades of pleas by Iranians for reformation... And Iranian determination.

Must view! Regime Security Forces retreat.
ht: Ace... VIEW: VIDEO درگیری های روز شنبه تهران

Born in 1983, I do not recall Revolution #1, as they do... It is noted that Iran's population of 70 million, are 2/3 under the age of 25... I Pray for peace.

The path toward what (I believe) is Azadi (Freedom) square.

It's Father’s Day, today...

-Posted by D. Worth (US) | for- M. Barbay (France) and US

And so it is said that a lion's instincts thwart ability of a wider path of peace... And sad to see that mankind is their greatest predator...

A role of mankind must then forge beyond to live with a greater sense of compassion; and this means that mankind's vision will have to change.

Fatherhood is the most crucial role in the formation of dignity and understanding of mankind's future...

A Dream within a Dream - Oren Lavie

-Posted by D. Worth (US) | for- M. Barbay (France) and US

Post updated...
My dear God I dream and pray for peace...
beyond the unrest.
(Slideshow in new window)


2010: The end of the 'Career politician'

-Posted by D. Worth (US) | for- M. Barbay (France) and US

With 'special interest' lists long, and offerings to 'main street America' short... Today we are challenged by tragic broken systems of "repeat politics" which have chipped away at the survival of our Nation...
Say good-by to the career politicians...

America needs fresh new ideas that will end the embedded dealings, where NO reform or solution holds the best vision of our future... We are that future!

Vote them out in 2010!

The young are coming to claim our Country...
And to heal the shattered promises of broken politics...

Introducing Mark Rubio...
-Rising list of future US Senators... (Filed under: Elections 2010!)
Please contribute to an America that belongs to the future....
Donations: marcorubio.com (2010)

While it is not for me to say what is right for the country of others... I pray that the World's 'youth of the future', will always have a strong sense of participation...

Gov. Schwarzenegger tackles issues of state

-Posted by D. Worth (US) | for- M. Barbay (France) and US

Image: Arnie arrives on a flight to Mendota, to address problems concerning drought, with California farmers.VIDEO: HERE.

Image: AS w/ Farmers Mendota gov.ca.gov

Schwarzenegger's plane makes emergency landing: Story.
Pilot reports smoke from jet's instrument panel

His posting on Twitter, gives many an opportunity to address, and work toward solving pertinent issues... Arnold has long implemented some of the most robust climate change programs in US history; far in advance of those Obama will be adopting...Programs which would weigh heavily upon even the most robust economy. (States, be warned!)

We've also had several disasters which have greatly effected our State property tax revenues; and in lieu of it all.... Schwarzenegger issued a vote, to give us a say, and awaken Democrats to its unpopularity... Not easy to push bold reform and slow-down Dem majority mass spending, in a Dem Majority state... Read. -He's held his ground, but look who still wants a tax increase.

By the way...Speaking of planes, and disasters... Governor Schwarzenegger saved my home from Fire; on the other side of that range!
Fire walls of 100 ft and winds of 60 mph: He led the Guard to us in time! :|

Photo: Jim Wilson | Arnie Assesses Deployment of Extra National Guard Troops
-Click Image View Story.

I recommend that we issue temporary pay cuts; implement Flat Tax ; end the mass growth of welfare programs; reduce size of California State Government...
And (particularly in California) Democrat "bailed out Hollywood entertainment, might consider setting up a drive for the state...
(If not we, Conservative Hollywood will continue to do so.)


Update: NASA's LRO (h20) mission begins

-Posted by D. Worth (US) | for- M. Barbay (France)

Research & technology will focus on lunar poles in a concise way never seen before. More:
Flight Director's

NASA: LRO exactmap

VIDEO: Remembering one year ago: VIEW.
Horizons can be used to generate topocentric ephemeris data; and I'm hoping for (like-polar) mapping to highlight water-breakthroughs for all those in need, on earth!

LCROSS now right in line w the sun, 5 hr Right Ascension, which is where the sun is this time of yr & it's new moon! [twitter]

"We did (laser altimetry) for Mars and it revolutionised our understanding of that planet. It's going to do that for the Moon." Read.

NASA family’s current Missions: VIEW.

UPDATE: The trajectory has been updated accordingly in Horizons (based on navigation team planning), for those who want to track it, or avoid confusing it for an asteroid in Earth vicinity.... It is well noted : Here.
LCROSS_NASA at Twitter: Here.

It looks massive! VIEW VIDEO: BIG SCREEN

VIEW Prep: The Atlas V rocket, without the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter and Lunar Crater Observation and Sensing Satellite spacecraft atop, was rolled to the launch pad at Complex 41 at Cape Canaveral Air.

Ten hours ago"4hrs since launch, LCROSS traveled at 3.5 km/s (~8000 mph), at 48,907 km from Earth. Another 311,000 km or so to go to reach Lunar swingby!"

Wonderful to create an artificial moon satellite...
Perhaps a better understanding of atmospheric transfer of moisture, to areas of earth, suffering from extreme drought...

Gov could empower incentive for clean technology; & then get out of our way

-Posted by D. Worth (US) | for- M. Barbay France (US trip!)

High-altitude winds hold enough energy to power the world 100 times over. read. The first-ever study of high-altitude winds by the Carnegie Institution and California State University
says winds in the jet stream, about 30,000 feet up, would be the ideal source to exploit. more

Image: Ben Shepard courtesy Sky WindPower
ht: Caltechnica

Solve the energy problem, and you will stimulate job creation across many viable business sectors... And as Obama slows the development of nuclear energy over fears of Nuke storage... Today, a nuclear waste container built to last 100 years, could for example, last 16,000 years!

VIDEO: Six Ideas to Save America: VIEW.

Otis "Pete" Peterson and other scientists at Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico. read more.

My favorite Physicist, Michio Kaku, gives the run-down...
UPDATE: Security Questions explained in: ATOMIC PODCAST

How conventional Nuclear works: Explanation of all facets.

Portable Nuclear 'tubs' Could Power America ...
"That's what Hyperion Power Generation, a small Santa Fe, N.M.-based startup, hopes lots of utility and energy companies say over the next."

Hyperion Nuclear Power Generation!
PHOTO! Here's a picture / details on Hyperion Nuclear Power Generation. New Mexico's Hyperion Power Generation produces Hyperion!

Today's Links...
Hyperion Power Generation Delivering First of 4000 Reactor Modules!

(PhysOrg.com) -- Underground nuclear power plants no bigger than a hot tub may soon provide electricity for communities around the world. Measuring about 1.5 meters across, the mini reactors can each power about 20,000 homes. Read story.

Help! Obamacrats at wheel of enterprise!

-Posted by D. Worth (US) | for- M. Barbay (France)

Now that Obama camp has terminated 40% of U.S. Dealers, they've impacted the onset of a great truck/SUV shortage... read.

Image: GOP "Sinners" car

And now, in the interest of "NO competition allowed" for Americans... Will they spark HIGH fuel prices to sell little "KILL" cars on the public? All in an attempt to punish anyone who doesn't buy one in next two years...

Really one of iowahawk's best Vids! (Haha)

Next stop? The health industry...
And YOUR health care... Buuaaahhhh!!!!!

Consider this a test drive for Obamacare!
O (One) B (big) A (Awful) M (Mistake) A (America!)

Solution is not painless, but achievable!
#1) Let this country heal on its own... Let private enterprise correct itself! This can be done with a drastically pared-down Government; and application of an immediate flat tax! Left to its own devices, the markets would have PURGED-OUT this 11% toxic "Liberal redistribution" debt... This is (and was) the nature of Tea-Parties, and GOP minority strives to STOP this massive debt-addition.

All parties need to intervene to curb this Administration's spending... Reminding: Many countries (such as Russia) also have 100 billion deficit.

Equity strategist: Boockvar, "Thanks for messing us up, Uncle Sam!"
AUDIO: Podcast: 6/16/08


House Democrats shut GOP out from introducing amendments to spending bill

-Posted by D. Worth (US) | for- M. Barbay (France)

This shut-out comes at a time when polls show that U.S. voters:
"Trust Republicans more than Democrats on economic issues" read.
Those weighing in have said, "This is the first time in the history of our Republic that this has happened."read.

Developing: Democrat Abuse of Power...
From Ed Cantor's blog:
"In a completely unprecedented fashion, House Democrats have used their power as the majority party to shut out floor amendments from the minority party on spending legislation.

Right at the beginning of the debate, House Democrats decided to go to the Rules Committee, to report out a Structured Rule and shut the House GOP out of the process.

This is an unprecedented abuse of power by the House Democrats. Every American - every American of either political party or of no party at all - ought to be deeply concerned over this action."
Mac explains...
"In parliamentary proceedings, such as congress it is typical that both sides share their arguments for or against the proposed bill and introduce amendments to the bill. The benefit of parliamentary proceedings is they ensure that the minority view is heard. What has happened here is that the majority temporarily changed the procedural rules from blocking the Republican minority from voicing their concern or offering their changes to the bill.

Instead of even allowing amendments to be proposed (which the Democrats could overrule with their majority) they are fearful of going on the record opposing common sense changes to the legislation so they change the rules to shut out the opposition and avoid the inconvenience of having to answer to their constituencies for opposing sensible legislation.

This is extremely rare behavior in the house (in both Democrat and Republican majorities) and, unfortunately, this behavior is also showing up in state congresses across the country including NY and NC." Read more.


News Headlines for Tuesday June 16th

-Posted by D. Worth (US) | for- M. Barbay (France)

Russian Birds & Fish Die in massive Oil Spill more.
More than 30,000 birds and countless fish have been killed in an "ecological catastrophe" wrought by thousands of tons of oil from a tanker that broke apart in a heavy storm near the Black Sea. read.

Addressing environmental safety?? View
Political Pipeline Network: read.

ABC: "The All Barack Channel" read.
Taking that pesky "FREE" out of PRESS. -Story break (Matt)
Ace says: "Will the other networks feign indignation at ABC's sell out or will they hold their fire in hopes of getting their own Date Night With Barack?" Read.

Freak Beijing storm turns day into night. Read.
"Today's extreme weather follows yesterday's hail storms across eastern China's Anhui province, which killed 14 people and injured more than 180." AFP report.

I'm seeing experimentation; seeding, with propensity toward (neighboring) drought... But will this even be discussed in their LTD new world Summit?

Russian Finance Ministry said recently that it might have to enter the international bond market to seek external funding for its budget deficit. Their budget deficit stood at 11 percent of GDP in April, and revenue destined for government coffers declined by a whopping 16.2 percent of GDP between April & May.

Russia is staring at an approximate $100 billion budget deficit, a figure that is likely to consume all the cash in its Reserve Fund.
read full

Their long-term crisis is far worse than the US... And worse for its Soviet resurface.


Gates: NATO allies expect Afghanistan progress (View 2009 report)

-Posted by D. Worth (US) | for- M. Barbay (France)

(Video: 2005!)
Source: Afghanistan Compilation from MEDCAPS & support operations for the Afghani families & children; during 3/3 India Co. Marines' 2004-05 combat deployment."

The fight for survival of hope & dignity...
We must help Afghanistan establish itself as a secure, stable country that poses no threat to itself or the Int'l Community. World donations in Afghanistan have been commendable... And tearful..

VIEW NATO Afghanistan 2009 report

NATO-ISAF (International Security Forces) involvement is to provide a supporting role in security, governance and development... With troop deployment, such as the French ISAF troop's push into the Tagab valley in Kapisa Province (2008)..And US forces, contributing to a stronger ISAF presence; and Canada's exceptional work in the southern province of Kandahar VIEW VIDEO... And many others.

We've opened up canal system for repair, enabling the repair of hospitals, opening of schools, and elections. Of newly registered, almost 1.7 million were women!
(Nangarhar Province; 1.11.09)

Nangarhar Province; January 11, 2009

Reps, Elders, and PRT staff participate in a ceremony to mark the start of construction of a school for girls in the Behsood District...

Gates: NATO allies expect Afghanistan progress: read.
Mentoring teams of ISAF SCR/Strategic Advisory Group ANA Status Report 2009; 2 Teams of between 20 and 40 military experts embedded with ANA units to hone basic operational skills and professionalize the Afghan units.

The following sections provide an overview of the agriculture and rural development, energy and transport sectors together with a brief snapshot of some projects. 2009 report

Spanish Development Agency… To develop abundance in agriculture, while fighting against rural plagues… And Canada (CIDA) invests in the Arghandab Irrigation Rehabilitation Project, training forces to defend themselves, and much, much, more….

Finally signs of Economic Growth in Helmand… As the UK Department for International Development (DFID) is helping farmers to grow other crops.
My charity USAID!! sponsored agri-business park; also due to open at the airfield site in 2009, as part of the same project.

Update: Tribute to two British Soldiers in the honor of their sacrifice.

The Afghanistan Reconstruction Trust Fund
The largest single contributors to the Fund are the UK, US and Canada. Other donors include 15 European countries, the EC itself, Australia, India, Iran, Turkey, and the Gulf States. (Source: World Bank)


Invited Journalists beaten and jailed in Iran's "open and free" elections

-Posted by D. Worth (US) | for- M. Barbay (France) and US

Events covered by TV crews and journalists in neighboring countries, who find themselves unexpectedly caught in the mix... Some beaten, apprehended, others intimidated as equipment and belongings are confiscated... All in the Regime's attempt to quash open sharing of info about an event; later touted by Ahmadinejad as a "free and open election."

Some Media decided not to make issue.
Globe freelancer detained, beaten (Monday's Globe & Mail)

VIDEO: From the roof tops: VIEW.

While desires for freedom are unchanging, and purely universal... Reformation simply cannot, and will not occur in a Vacuum... Today is US flag Day, and I am deeply saddened that the Iranians cannot experience what our Iranian immigrants have in America... ("Empire of Free Thought")

Anyway... Here's my flag Day post: Happy 234th Birthday, Army...

Tragic protests: Looks like ACORN affiliate & SEIU branch in Iran! Obama step down!

Dreadful, dreadful...
I cannot stop crying... I DO understand how they feel...
I sincerely DO... I am absolutely shattered... No help from Obama!
This from gateway:
Madness! Obama Administration Silent As Iranian Students are Slaughtered in streets--Announce They Will Negotiate with Fraudulent Regime: READ.

What others are saying...
We are all Iranian today... Ed writes more: here.
-Videos Iran: a bit of history repeats itself:
Benedict explains: read.

Legal insurrection ACORN In Iran?
Multiple voting resulting from lack of identification.
Sounds-- like-- ACORN.
More votes than people... Sounds like Minnesota.

Voter identification is the key to preventing voter fraud. Which is why the Department of Justice's refusal to allow states, such as Georgia, to implement identification systems based on alleged disparate impact is so damaging to the credibility of elections.

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